Ambasto Hatchery Equipment
Atlantic Salmon Life Cycle
Facts about Atlantic Salmon
- Salmon begin their lives as small round orange eggs in freshwater rivers. The eggs are usually hidden under small rocks for protection.
- Eggs then hatch into tiny salmon called alevins. They feed from a yolk sac attached to their bodies. A yolk sac is like having a full lunch box tied to your leg.
- After some weeks alevins finish their yolk sac and enter the fry stage. They’re still tiny – only about the size of a marker cap.
- The salmon grows then into a smolt 4.5 – 9.5 inches long and ready for a springtime transformation, or change. Smolt is a mixture of freshwater and saltwater fish.
- The adult salmon will after 1-3 years return to the river in which they were born to spawn.
Some Fun Facts
- Atlantic Salmon can travel up to 100 km per day in the ocean.
- Atlantic salmon lay 1,500-1,800 eggs per kilogram of body weight.
- Female Atlantic salmon build their nest (redd) and cover their eggs using their strong tail.
- Atlantic salmon scales can be ‘read’ much like the rings on a tree. The scales are used to determine the fish’s age, growth and how many times it has spawned.
- The largest Atlantic salmon ever caught on a fly in North America weighed 32.6 kg (72 pounds).
- The name salar comes from the Latin salio which means “to leap”. Atlantic salmon can leap up waterfalls 4.5 meters high (15 feet).
15 Litre Salmon Eggs
Salmon Alevins [15-20 mm]
Salmon Fry [30-40 mm]
Salmon Smolt [50-100 mm]
Adult Salmon [3-5 kg]
Reproductive Salmon
Exclusive Food Production
Traditional Norwegian Style
Traditional Norwegian Style
Japanese Sushi Style
Traditional Norwegian Style
Traditional Norwegian Style
Japanese Sushi Style
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